Reason one is that this final presentation will be the last and the fourth one for me already during this academic semester. (I'm so tired of giving presentations!) In the thesis seminar we have to give three oral presentations considering our process with the thesis. First we write 10 to 15 pages and then we present our ideas in front of the seminar group. The second part of the presentation is the one during which other students are supposed to give comments and critique about our hard work. In the end we are supposed to defend our work or at least explain to the others why it was so bad etc. I can tell you all this is very stressful and you can't sleep properly for three days before your own presentation.
The second reason of hating presentating is the fact that it makes you really nervous! I've played many instruments during my life and you would think that playing for an audience makes you a good performer. Unfortunately that's not the case and I feel that I'm becoming worse and worse every year. (When I had my last classical singing concert in high school I actually throwed up just before the concert. I was just so nervous.) The third reason why I think giving a presentation during the last week of December is a bad idea is that it happens to be the exam week. Doesn't anyone else have five exams like I do? I find it so much easier to express my feelings by writing than speaking in front of twenty pairs of stairing eyes. I guess I have no options, do I?
At least today's lesson was fun. I found the idea of cultural contexts and cultural differences very fascinating even though I don't think every single Finn is a silent type. I shall write more about this topic later. In the end I have to mention that the wedding day was wonderful and almost everything went like planned (or even better!) It was the most beautiful and the funniest wedding ever! At least if you like candles, flowers, good food, good music and blue colour. We don't have time (I'm also married to my thesis) to go on a honeymoon but this weekend we are going to this annual music festival where we first met with my husband five years ago. I'll promise to listen carefully to all the lyrics that are in English!
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