torstai 13. syyskuuta 2012

About Alice Malkovich

Hello! My name is Alice, I'm 24 years old and I'm studying languages at the University of Helsinki.You fool! Did you believe me? No, my real name is not Alice. Did you really think I would use my real name on the Internet? Someone could actually recognize me here! But I could be Alice as well. Let me explain why.

I was first called Alice when I participated English lessons in the third grade. We were nine years old and our English teacher explained to us: "I'm now going to give you English names so that I'll be able to pronounce your names right here in the classroom". That was the first time I noticed that English pronunciation is different to Finnish. The second time that I was called Alice was last year. I was participating in my universtity's exhange program in Lisbon, meaning that I had to study in Lisbon University, and every single professor called me "Alice" or "Alicia", which is actually a very common name in Portugal. So now I almost told you my real name. Lets just say, the pronunciation is quite close to "Alice".

Well, since you now know the story of my name I may tell you something about this blog. Like I said, early in the beginning, this is a learning blog. In this blog I'm going to reflect my learning process. I'm going to bore you telling what I'm reading at the moment and I might also slip in something about my real life behind this blog. On this first time I may warn you that I'm going to write a lot about conversation analysis. That's the area I'm studying for my Master's Thesis and during this autumn I'm going to read lots of articles and books on spoken human language. Let's hope my knowledge of English won't be a problem for that!

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